The Methods Used In Teaching English For Second Grade Of Elementary School Students at SD Bratan 1 Surakarta
Oleh :
Septiana Kurnianingsih - C9307156 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the two month job training done at SD Bratan 1 Surakarta which has been done by the writer on January 25, 2010 till March 13,2010. The goals of this report are to describe the methods used in teaching English Lesson for second grade and to find out the problems and the solutions of English teaching method at SD Bratan 1 Surakarta. The methods used by the writer in teaching English lesson are grammar translation method, and direct method. The writer chose grammar translation method to teach writing. She applied this method in the main stage of teaching learning process. Meanwhile the writer applied direct method to teach speaking and listening. This method was applied in the pre teaching stage and when the writer gave instructions to students. There were some problems found when the writer taught. They are different capability of the students including memorizing English words, pronouncing, spelling, and writing English, big classroom, limited time, and handling uncooperative students. The writer also summerized the solutions here.