
Improving students’ writing skill using process approach (a classroom action research at the eleventh grade students of sma negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year 2011/2012)

Oleh :
Dwi Astrina - K2207021 - Fak. KIP

This research aims to find out whether and to what extent process approach improves the students’ writing skill and to describe the class situation when process approach is implemented in the writing class at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta. The method used in this research is classroom action research. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Every cycle consists of four steps namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflection. To collect the data needed, the researcher used observation, interview, questionnaire, and tests. The tests were conducted before the action (pre-test) and after the action (post-test). The mean score of each test was analyzed and compared to find out the improvement of students’ writing skill after the action was conducted. The result of the research shows that there are positive improvements in students’ writing skill and the class situation during the teaching learning process. It can be seen from the comparison between the mean score of the pre-test and the mean score of the post-test. The mean scores of the test result are 57.30 for the pre-test, 70.50 for the post test in cycle 1, and 79.25 for the post-test in cycle 2. It means that the students’ writing skill has improved about 21.95 percent. By implementings process approach, the students can easily develop the ideas into a narrative text based on the theme chosen. They can also arrange the ideas and the detail information in proper order thus the flow of the story runs smoothly. Moreover, they can explore their vocabulary and use it in the proper context. Besides, they understand more about the rule in making grammatical sentence and use it in their text. The students’ error of the mechanics can also be decreased. The improvements of class situation by implementing process approach during the teaching learning process were the students did not take longer time to start writing since they had been prepared it, students felt motivated and enthusiastic on the theme they chose, the students concentrated more with their writing, and the students were more confident with their writing.