Analisis Perkembangan Fungsi Wilayah Dan Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan Kota Ternate Provinsi Maluku Utara 2006-2010
Oleh :
Musdi A. Barakati - S4210107 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This study aims to reveal two (2) the results of studies on the functional development of the region namely: Includes administration, education, health, and financial economics to the development of population distribution, as well as the development of leading economic sector. The main objective of this study was to determine the functional development of services that include administration, education, health, and financial and economic developments of leading economic sectors include the sectors of the economic base of Ternate Year 2006-2010.
The research was conducted in Ternate which covers the whole territory is divided into seven districts. This study categorized the types of quantitative descriptive study. Analytical techniques used to analyze the functional development of the region and leading economic sectors in each of the years 2006-2010 is a settlement pattern analysis techniques, the centrality index analysis techniques, and analytical techniques LQ (Location Quotient),SS (Shift Share).
The results of the Analysis of Regional Development and Function Leading Economic Sector North Maluku Province Ternate Year 2006-2010 are: (1) Based on the analysis of settlement patterns, the functions of administration, education, health, and economics, showed the highest obtained by sub-sector Central Ternate, the second Southern districts of Ternate, the three districts of North Ternate, the fourth district of Ternate Island, the fifth sub-districts Batang Two Moti sixth, and seventh sub-Hiri. Centrality index analysis showed that the weight function in the work of all districts in the City Terante not have much difference. (2) Analysis of LQ (Location Quotient) found six potential sectors to be developed in the city of Ternate include electricity, gas and water supply, construction, trade, hotel and restaurant sector, transport and communication sector, financial sector leasing, and the services sector. SS analysis (Shift Share) showed that the effect of GDP growth in North Maluku presenting any positive influence on GDP of Ternate