
An Appraisal Study of A Short Story Landlord of the Crystal Fountain Written by Malachi Whitaker (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Study)

Oleh :
Yuli Mardiyah - C0308078 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

2012. This research attempts to find out the attitudes employed in the short story entitled Landlord of the Crystal Fountain written by Malachi Whitaker and to find out why the attitudes are performed in the text. This research applied qualitative desriptive method with total sampling technique. This research also employed primary and secondary data. The primary data of this research consist of linguistic phenomenon about the types of attitudes: affect (people’s feeling), judgment (people’ character), and appreciation (evaluation of thing), as well as engagement and graduation taken from the short story text. Meanwhile, the secondary data of this research is the information about the profile and biography of Malachi Whitaker as the author of the following short story and the review of the short story. The data and source of data of this research is short story text taken from book entitled The Oxford Book of English Short Story by A.S. Byatt,that is Landlord of the Crystal Fountain written by Malachi Whitaker. The results show that the text applies the three kinds of attitudes; affect, judgement, and appreciation. There are 27.24% affect, consisting of 65.62% positive affect and 34.38% negative affect. Meanwhile, there are 55.74% judgement, consisting of 70.99% positive judgement and 29.01% negative judgement. In addition, there are only 17.02% appreciation, consisting of 67.5% positive appreciation and 32.5% negative appreciation. Moreover, the writer applies mostly force: raise and focus: soften graduation with more one voice (monogloss) in presenting the story. This study also finds that the plot influences the attitudes of the text. The attitudes are taken from both the narration of Malachi Whitaker and the character’s interaction with other participants in the story. As an example is the attitudes of Brenda Millgate, the main character of the story. At the orientation, Brenda’s affect is negative due to her difficulties when she entered the train. It can be seen both by the narration of Malachi Whitaker and her interaction with other characters in the story. Her affect is positive after her meeting with the five men in the train. At the complication of the story, her affect is negative when she remembered her problems, about her life, her love story, and her career. She felt positive affect when she was starting to attract and admire the landlord of the Crystal Fountain. Her affect at the resolution is positive attitudes. She was happy for getting a solution on her life problems, to be the wife of landlord of the Crystal Fountain. Besides, the positive judgement related with Brenda at the orientation is mostly about her appearance and quality, that she is tall, good-looking teacher, etc. Meanwhile, she is evaluated negatively as somebody who like to doze, dream or imagine about anything in her life. The judgement at the orientation is narrated by Malachi Whitaker. At the complication, she is still evaluated positively due to her quality as an easygoing person who can easily get along with many people. She is also evaluated as a nice woman. But she was not that smart, was not ambitious, and has no money. She is also ignorant about men, proven by her status that has not married yet even when she was mature enough. Those judgements are stated at the complication of the text, either by the narration of Malachi Whitaker or result interaction of the characters. Positive judgement about Brenda’s character is also shown at the resolution. She is somebody who can adapt easily in a new environment. She has a high passion and spirit to pass through her future life. But, she was doubt regarding with her decision to live together with landlord of the Crystal Fountain. This is the part of her negative judgement at the resolution of the text. The last component of attitudes found in the text is appreciation. Almost all of the appreciation is related with Brenda, such as her things and the situation around her. The appreciation at the orientation is referred to to the things that Brenda brought and wore; her bag, her blouse, her umbrella, etc. Those evaluations are in the form of positive attitudes. Meanwhile, the situation at the time Brenda entered the train is evaluated negatively at the orientation. The appreciation in the complication is still related about Brenda, such as her hair. Brenda’s mother ambition is evaluated both negatively and positively at the complication. The situation when landlord of the Crystal Fountain offered Brenda a chance to live together with him is evaluated positively at the resolution. There is no negative appreciation at the resolution of the text. In the part of graduation, the use of raise force and softening focus graduation implies that the volume of attitudes both strong and soft in certain parts of the story. Meanwhile, the use of more one voice (monogloss) results in the subjective way of the writer in presenting the story. In addition, Malachi Whitaker performs the three types of attitudes in her short story; affect, judgement, and appreciation because she explores all of the feelings of the participants, the characteristics of the participants, and things within the story. The writer performs mostly force raise graduation and focus softening graduation with one voice (monogloss) in her attitudes because she presents the story subjectively. She presents the story both-sided, about the life of women at that period. In two ways, she criticizes and appraises the characters of British women which are independent and smart, proven by the character of Brenda Millgate. She stands as protagonist-right. It is because she was a Social realism artist who writes her work based on the truth. This is a British women life which she experienced at that period. It is about social problems and hardship of everyday life during that era.