The Portrayal Of Black Women In The Color Purple And The Keepers Of The House: A Comparative Study
Oleh :
Makna Sinatria - C0307039 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2012. Thesis. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. The emergence of the cult of true womanhood in the early 20th century had triggered the movement called Black Madonna Movement, which caused a great number of black women to embrace the values of true womanhood. Alice Walker and Shirley Ann Grau are two of many woman authors who write about black womanhood. The aim of the research is to describe how black women are portrayed by two racially different woman authors. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which is conducted on two novels, The Color Purple and The Keepers of the House as the source of data. The primary data are all the texts in the novels containing of the portrayal of the black woman characters in the 1910-1940s, which includes the characterizations in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and expressions. To support the primary data, secondary data includes research on the two novels made by other researchers and the comments from the critics related to the object of the research. This research is conducted under the framework of American Studies. As the two novels are considered as woman writing, the literary analysis which is used to analyze the whole texts is under the scope of Feminist Literary Criticism. The socio-historical approach is also needed to relate the events happen in the novel, and to reveal the validity of how both authors depict the society as in the real life. The analysis finds that in the setting of early 20th century, both authors portray black women aligning with the values of true womanhood. However, both authors portray them differently. Walker portrays Celie as the product of Black Madonna Movement thus making her the idealized woman among her Black peers, and Grau portrays Margaret fitting the values of true womanhood from white woman’s point of view who held the virtue of white womanhood. In different way both novels empower black and white women to gain their independence and gender equality. 1 English Department Student, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. Student number C0307039 2 Lecturer 1 3 Lecturer 2
Keywords: Alice Walker,