
Pemanfaatan Json (Javascript Object Notation) Sebagai Data Interchange pada Sistem Automatic Testing dan Web Based Learning D3 Teknik Informatika UNS

Oleh :
Retno Eka Rinjani - M3209073 - Fak. MIPA

Now, Program Study DIII Informatica Engineering Sebelas Maret Surakarta University already has Automatic Testing and Web Based Learning System, but the systems are not integrated yet, and can’t share data for this system. The implementations Automatic Testing System need university-students and lecturers data from Web Based Learning System, and the other way, Web Based Learning System need university-students value data from Automatic Testing System, so the examination grade of the students in this system is valid. Method to developed the Final Project were HTML, PHP, Javascript and SQL database. The steps to develope web service were to make data analysis, to plan the systems, that consist Flowchart or Architecture System, Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, with database planning. Then coding system was also be developed and then tested the programs for final system, the last step was to implement the programs. It can be concluded that Automatic Testing and Web Based Learning Systems can be used to than according to data interchange concept, done by JSON technology. Keywords : JSON, Data Interchange, Automatic Testing, Web Based Learning, HTML, PHP, Javascript, SQL