
The Use Of Stad In Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Fifth Grade Of SD Negeri Tugu 120 Jebres Surakarta

Oleh :
Nurul Fitria Sari - X2208533 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of the research are: (1) to know whether and to what extent the use of STAD can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English (2) to describe the situation when STAD method is applied during the teaching and learning process. This research was carried out at SD Negeri 120 Tugu Jebres Surakarta. It was conducted from August up to October 2011. The subjects of the research were the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 120 Tugu Jebres Surakarta in the year of 2011/2012. The research method was Action Research and it was conducted in two cycles. The data are in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. In collecting qualitative data, the researcher used interviews, observation, and field notes. The quantitative data are collected from the scores of pre - test and post- tests. The qualitative data were analyzed using Qualitative Data Analysis and the quantitative data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistic method. The research findings show STAD can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery and the class situation. 1. The students’ vocabulary mastery includes: (a) The students could mention words and meaning that they have already learnt before, (b) The students could pronounce some English words correctly, (c) The students could spell some English words correctly, and (d) The students could use some English words in very simple sentences. 2. Situation of class includes: (a) The students focus on the materials by learning together in groups, (b) The students were more active in answering questions, and (c) The students were active in learning teaching process. The students’ achievement also increased. The improvement of the students’ achievement could be seen from the mean scores of each indicator in vocabulary. In the pre-test, their mean scores were 73 for meaning, 56 for pronunciation, 70 for spelling, and 48 for using words. In cycle I their mean scores of each indicator increased to be 76 for meaning, 69 for pronunciation, 75 for spelling, and 63 for using words. In cycle 2 the increasing mean scores could also be seen such as: 84 for meaning, 76 for pronunciation, 80 for spelling, and 73 for using words. Based on the result, therefore, it is recommended that the English teacher should use STAD because it can create comfortable situation in learning process thus it makes teaching and learning process more alive.