
Kontribusi Samsat Keliling Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Pada Up3ad Beserta Samsat Kota Surakarta

Oleh :
Sunarti - F3409061 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The objective of research is to find out the extent of the Samsat Keliling (Mobile One-Stop Administration System) contribution, and the obstacles and the solutions to the obstacles in operating SAMSAT Keliling. This research was conducted using documentary, interview and observation methods. Documentary method was the type of research data including selling invoice, documents and etc. Interview was conducted directly with the Principal and Employees of Surakarta City’s Samsat. Observation was a directly data collection by researching on the object studied and recording some points necessary regarding the data. Based on the result of research, SAMSAT Keliling proved could improve the Motor Vehicle Tax revenue despite less optimal contribution. And SAMSAT Keliling operation still faced many obstacles but the officers of SAMSAT Keliling could cope with them so that the Taxpayers felt that the service given had been good. The writer recommended the Dipenda (Local Income Office) to maximize the Motor Vehicle Tax revenue from this SAMSAT Keliling by increasing the fleet in order to reach all locations, to review the cooperation with the online network provider and to use the technology-literate human resource.