Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Juggling Bola Standar dan Bola Modifikasi terhadap Kemampuan Juggling Siswa Putra pada Ekstrakurikuler Sepakbola di SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakramat Karanganyar Tahun 2010
Oleh :
Supriyadmadi - K5605041 - Fak. KIP
The objectives of research are to find out: (1) the different effect of ball juggling exercise using standard ball and modified ball on ball juggling ability in soccer game of the extracurricular students of SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakkramat of Karanganyar in 2010, (2) the effectiveness level of ball juggling practice using standard ball and modified ball on the ball juggling ability of the extracurricular students of SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakkramat of Karanganyar in 2010.
The research method used was an experimental method. The population of research was the students who attended extracurricular activity in SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakkramat of Karanganyar in 2010, consisting of 40 students. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, obtaining 30 students as the sample. The sample was divided into 2 groups, each of which consisted of 15 students and ordinal pairing. Group 1 received juggling practice using standard ball, while group 2 received juggling practice using modified ball. Techniques of collecting data used were ball juggling test and measurement. Technique of analyzing data used was t-test at significance level of 5%; to meet the assumption of research result the analysis prerequisite analysis was conducted using normality and homogeneity test.
Considering the result of research, it could be concluded as follows: (1) There is a different effect of juggling practice with standard ball and with modified ball in the students who attended extracurricular activity in SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakkramat of Karanganyar in 2010, (2) Juggling practice using modified ball (K2) had a better effect on the improvement of juggling ability in the students who attended extracurricular activity in SD N Malanggaten 3 Kebakkramat of Karanganyar in 2010.