

Profil Respons Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Aljabar Berdasarkan Taksonomi Solo Ditinjau dari Minat Belajar (Studi Kasus Pada Materi Persamaan Linier Siswa Kelas VIII SMP MTA Gemolong SragenTahun Ajaran 2011/2012 )

Oleh :
Ruslan Laisouw - S851102036 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objective of this research is to investigate the profile of response in solving SOLO taxonomy-based algebra problems of the students in Grade VIII with the high, medium, and low Mathematics learning interests. Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) Taxonomy is a special framework to classify the response level of a student toward a task in a certain learning unit or subject matter. In this research, SOLO taxonomy is a framework to classify the students’ response comprising 4 levels, namely: (1) uni-structural, (2) multi-structural, (3) relational, and (4) extended abstract, in the core algebra materials of linear equation, linear pattern unit, and function concept which are integrated in the Mathematics of Junior Secondary Schools/Islamic Junior Secondary Schools. This research was conducted at MTA Junior Secondary School of Gemolong, Sragen. The data of the research were gathered through isconducted by researcher byxself as especial instrumentand aid instrument in the form of tes and taskbased interview. The subjects of the research consisted of six students in Grade VIII of the school who were divided into three categories, namely two students with the high Mathematics learning interest, two students with the medium Mathematics learning interest, and two students with the low Mathematics learning interest. The research process was based on the following processes: (a) formulating the problems based on the theor-etical review and supported by pre-survey data; (b) validating the draft of Mathematics learning interest questionnaire, the draft of test instrument on algebra problems, and the draft of validator interview guideline in order to know the content and construction validity of questionnaire and developed instrument; (c) revising the draft of Mathematics learning interest questionnaire, the draft of test instrument, and the draft of interview guideline; (d) gathering the data of the students’ response toward the algebra problems; and (e) conducting the data analysis so as to find out the response in solving SOLOTaxonomy-based algebra problems of the students of Junior Secondary School with the high, medium, and low Mathematics learning interests. The results of the research are as follows. The response levels in solving SOLO Taxonomy-based algebra problems of two subjects with the high Mathematics learning interest belong to extended abstract level as both have fulfilled all of the characteristics formulated by Lim &Idris, meaning that the thinking abilities in algebra which include those of investigation, representation, generalization, and interpretation & usage so as to find results as well as the abilities to find results for new situations have been performed well and correctly by the two subjects. The students at this level have the high mathematical analysis ability. Thus, the students with the high Mathematics learning interest have the highest response level, namely: Level 4 in solving the algebra problems. The response levels of two subjects with the medium Mathematics learning interest in solving SOLOTaxonomy-based algebra problems are different from one to the other; one of them has the relational level while the other has the multi-structural level. The former has had the thinking abilities in algebra which include those of investigation, representation, and generalization as well as those of interpretation and usage to find results and has performed them well and correctly. However, the former has not well and correctly performed the analysis ability to find results for new situations. Meanwhile, the latter has well and correctly performed the thinking abilities in algebra which include those of investigation, representation, and generalization. Yet the latter has not well and correctly performed the interpretation and usage ability to find results as well as analysis ability to find results for new situations. For this case, the students with the same Mathematics learning interest category (medium level) have the have different response levels in solving the algebra problems that one belongs Level 3 and the other belongs to Level 2, meaning that their response levels are not certainly the same. The response levels of two subjects with the low Mathematics learning interest in solving SOLO Taxonomy-based algebra problems are also different from one to the other; one of them has the multi-structural level while the other has uni-structural level. The former has had the thinking abilities in algebra which include investigation, representation, and generalization and has performed them well and correctly. However, the former has not well and correctly performed the interpretation and usage ability to find results as well as the analysis ability to find results for new situations. Meanwhile, the latter has had the thinking abilities in algebra which include investigation, representation, and generalization for the cases involving numbers and has performed them well and correctly. However, the latter has not well and correctly performed the symbol-involving generalization, interpretation and usage ability to find results as well as the analysis ability to find results for new situations. For this case, the students with the same Mathematics learning interest category (low level) have the different response levels in solving the algebra problems that one belongs Level 2 and the other belongs to Level 1, meaning that their response levels are not certainly the same.