Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Through Inquiry Based Learning (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMA N 3 Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
Oleh :
Yuniati Ulfah Milatasari - X2210030 - Fak. MIPA
The objectives of this thesis are to identify whether the implementation of
Inquiry Based Learning improves students’ writing ability or not and to identify
the strengths and weaknesses of Inquiry Based Learning implementation.
The action research was conducted in two cycles. Every cycle consisted of
four steps: planning, action, observing and reflecting. The subject of research was
39 students of X3 in SMA N 3 Sukoharjo. The researcher collected the data using
qualitative and quantitative method. The quantitative data were collected by the
pre-test and post-test, while qualitative data were collected by observation,
questionnaire, and interview. This research was done from January to June 2012.
The result of the research showed that the implementation of Inquiry
Based Learning could improve the students’ writing ability including content,
organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics. They could also write in
appropriate stages including prewriting (outlining), writing, and rewriting. By
comparing the pre-test score and the post-test score, there was an improvement in
writing elements. Their mean score of the pre-test was 72.04, while their mean
score of the post-test 1 was 75.92, and their mean score of the post-test 2 was
79.60. The content improvement was 22.40 in pre-test, 22.65 in post-test 1, and
24.12 in post-test 2. Their organization increased from 15.88 in pre-test to 16.36
in post-test 1 and 16.60 in post-test 2. The vocabulary improved from 15.41 in
pre-test to 15.92 in post-test 1 and 16.28 in post-test 2. The mean score of
language use in post-test 2 was 18.60. It is better than the pretest 14.92 and the
post-test 1 17.17. Their mean score of mechanics in pre-test was 3.42. It increased
into 3.82 in post-test 1 and 4.00 in post-test 2. Their motivation also increased.
They were enthusiastic than before in teaching writing. They had willingness to
pay attention and did the exercises. Inquiry Based Learning gave good positive
class condition. They also felt happy because they could discuss about their
experience and their difficulties with their friends in collecting information and
revising their writing. In the implementation, there were some strengths of Inquiry
Based Learning such as making the students more confident and active,
developing their critical thinking, and understanding the concept. On the other
hand, this technique also had some weaknesses. Inquiry Based Learning is not
appropriate technique for unmotivated students, not easy to do in limited time, and
difficult to implement if the students were familiar with conventional way.
Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that the implementation
of Inquiry Based Learning is able to improve