
The jobs at front office in kasunanan palace

Oleh :
Winahyu Setyo M - C9309085 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training which was done for a month in Kasunanan Palace. The objectives of this final project are to describe the jobs at front office in Kasunanan Palace, to explain the visitor’s perspectives to Kasunanan Palace and to identify the problems and solutions of Kasunanan Palace. Based on the observation, the jobs at front office are giving complete information and giving best service to visitor. In doing their jobs, front office got several complaints and good views from visitor (visitor’s perspectives). This result shows that front office has crucial role in the development of company, because front office is the centre of all activities. For Kasunanan Palace, there are several problems found in every tourist attraction, i.e. in Sitihinggil, Cart room, Museum andevery tourist attraction has different problems. The problems are about facilities, cleanliness, etc. Besides, there are several solutions for Kasunanan Palace to improve the tourist attractions.