The Effectiveness Of Task-Based Instruction Method in Teaching ListeningViewed From The Students’ Anxiety (An Experimental Study in the Second Semester Students of STKIP-PGRI Pontianak in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
Oleh :
Diah Astriyanti - S891008016 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
An experimental method was carried out in this research. The total number of
population is 60 students coming from two classes. The sampling of the research is cluster
random sampling. It is used because it’s not possible to list all of the students of a class of
the institution. After the sample of two classes obtained, then the two classess were
divided into two groups randomly. Class A morning as the experimental group and class B
morning as the control group. Each group consists of 30 students. The techniques which
were used in collecting the data were questionnaire of students’ learning anxiety and the
listening test. The try out was conducted to check the validity and reliability of the
instruments. In analyzing the data, multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA) test of 2x2
and Tukey test are used.