Telaah normatif kesalahan penerapan Hukum judex factie dalam penilaian alat bukti Keterangan saksi a de charge dan alibi terdakwa Sebagai dasar pengajuan kasasi penuntut umum Terhadap putusan bebas perkara Pembunuhan berencana (studi kasus putusan mahkama
Oleh :
Yudhantara fajar pradana - E0008260 - Fak. Hukum
This research aims to find out the judex factie misapplication in assessing the witness information evidence a de charge and the defendant’s alibi and to find out the supreme court’s legal argumentation in examining and sentencing the rationale of the public prosecutor’s appeal to the supreme court against the freedom verdict in the planned murder case.
This study was a normative law research that is prescriptive in nature. The material used consisted of primary and secondary law materials. Techniques of collecting law materials in this research were library study by collecting the legislations, books and other supporting documents such as the supreme court of ri’s verdict no 1562 k/pid/2005. In this writing, the writer employed an analysis with deductive method departing from proposing major premise of code of criminal procedure and minor premise of the supreme court of ri’s verdict no 1562 k/pid/2005. From both premises, a conclusion was then drawn to get an answer to the problem statement whether or not the judex factie misapplication in assessing the witness information evidence a de charge and the defendant’s alibi as the rationale of the public prosecutor’s appeal to the supreme court against the freedom verdict in the planned murder case has been consistent with the article 253 of kuhap (code of criminal procedure) and whether or not the supreme court’s legal argumentation in examining and sentencing the rationale of the public prosecutor’s appeal to the supreme court against the freedom verdict in the planned murder case has been consistent with the article 253 of kuhap (code of criminal procedure).
Based on the result of research and discussion, the following conclusions could be drawn. Firstly, the judex factie misapplication in assessing the witness information evidence a de charge and the defendant’s alibi as the rationale of the public prosecutor’s appeal to the supreme court against the freedom verdict in the planned murder case has been consistent with the article 253 of kuhap. Secondly, the supreme court’s legal argumentation in examining and sentencing the rationale of the public prosecutor’s appeal to the supreme court against the freedom verdict in the planned murder case has been consistent with the kuhap.