
The Role Of Reservation And Ticketing Section In Sriwijaya Air Solo

Oleh :
Winda Putri Ariestya - C9309098 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is based on the job training in the reservation and ticketing section of Sriwijaya Air Solo. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the job of reservation and ticketing staff section in Sriwijaya Air Solo and to explain the process of handling reservation and ticketing in Sriwijaya Air Solo using Gabrielle System. Based on the observation, job shift in Sriwijaya Air Solo is divided into three shifts. They are morning shift, evening shift and night shift. The staffs have several duties, such as: preparing the stationary tools on the desk, turning on the computer, printer and telephone, setting the documents of reservation and ticketing, handling city check-in done by direct passenger, handling reservation directly, by phone, email and fax, handling the issue of ticket, the cancellation ticket, the change of ticket schedule, the refund ticket, making invoice. The process of handling reservation in Sriwijaya Air Solo uses Gabrielle System where the staff must input their own Sign In code, to makes a PNR. Firstly the staff showed the available display, book seat, after that put the passengers name, then put the contact person and to save the reservation data use action *R/WIN. Procedure of issuing ticket uses Gabrielle System is devided into two processes. They are manual and computerized. Both processes have several steps. The manual system are completing the blank column in paper ticket such as: column from/to, carrier, origin/destination, booking references, name of passenger, flight, class, date of flight, time of flight, status, fare basis, not valid after, allow, tour code, fare, tax, IWJR, form of payment, date and issue place, total price, endorsement restriction. The computerized system includes retrieve a PNR using booking reference code or passenger name, enter >TKT:, then ETK:XX/ALL or ETK:XX/INF for issuing infant ticket, after that complete the several blank information, such as: PASSWD,AXB, AXT, FOP, AXC, AXV, AXF, AXE, AXG.