
Evaluasi Sistem Penerimaan Kas Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Panti Waluyo Surakarta

Oleh :
Ancilla Advent Kristi Damayanti - F3309001 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this research is to know the system that Panti Waluyo Hospital used, is working with good enough. The method of this research is with interview and observation. Data that used in it is primary data, it is gotten from Panti Waluyo Hospital of Surakarta. Based on the writer’s evaluation, the writer to conclude that systems of cash recepits the installastion of inpatient in Panti Waluyo Hospital of Surakarta finished to match with Standard Operating Procedure. But the writer finds some strengths and weaknesses on the systems of cash receipts in there. The strength from that system is the documents have been authorities official, the application of on-line system in inputting the charge of patient’s hospitalization. The weakness of that system is there is no obvious function sorting out. The conclusion from those findings is that system of cash receipts the installation of inpatient in Panti Waluyo Hospital of Surakarta is in good quality. The writer suggests to make a function that is responsible to the cash, to use the computerized system to count in credit section. Keywords: System of Cash Receipts, System and Procedure