
Perancangan Media Promosi Rizky Antique Melalui Media Komunikasi Visual

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Bagas Priyantoko - C9509019 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Visualcommunication Designisa Meansof Communicationtosubmitan Idea, Stories, Concepts, Andinformationthrough A Vision. Associal Beings, Humanshave A Needtolive Togetherandcommunicatewitheach Other. The Communicationcan Bedoneorally,Visually, Orcombination Of Both. Theproblemstudied Ishow Topromote Productsof Woodcarving"Rizkyantique" To The General Publicwithproper Promotionstrategytointroduceand Strengthen Theimage Of Wood Carving Companies By Visual Communication Design.Therefore, Theauthor Conducteda Study Ofcompany"Rizkyantique" Aboutwayscreativepromotionalstrategiesthroughvisualcommunicationmediathat Aimstocapture Thetarget Marketandtarget Audiencefromsociety.Promotinga Place/Companythrough Visualcommunication Design Media Is One Of The Right Media Forintroducingrizkyantiqueto The General Public. So Thatwouldbean Effective Mediumto Attract Peopleandeasier For Consumerstoobtaininformation Abouta Wide Range Ofproducts Offered.Promotion Media Can Also Influences The Consumers To Know More About The Company That Is Promoted So That It Be Able To Create Image From The Company.