Teaching Speaking Using Total Physical Response (Tpr) Method And Fun Games For The Fourth Grade In Sd Pangudi Luhur Surakarta
Oleh :
Boby Sindu Prastowo - C9309023 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS. The objectives of the job training are to know the process of teaching and learning, and to know the problem in teaching and learning activity. The other objective of this job training is to find out the solutions of the problem that is faced in teaching and learning activity. From those objectives, the writer expects that the English teacher can teach English speaking well and get maximum achievements in learning process. In this job training, the writer did several steps before teaching practice, they were: observation, lesson plan making and teaching-learning process. The writer uses several steps before and after teaching activity, the steps included outside classroom procedure and classroom procedure. Outside classroom procedure covers preparation of material, and classroom procedure covered many activity such as pray, greeting, preparation, explanation, practice, assessments, and evaluations. The process of job training above is used to explore the teaching and learning activity and to know how teaching and learning process happens and anything about teaching. Having finished in teaching and learning activity in SD Pangudi Luhur Surakarta, the writer analyzed the difficulties in teaching and learning process. Then the writer finds out the solutions of the problems. To realize the plan to solve the problems, the writer did a next meeting in teaching and learning process. The meeting involves revising lesson plan and solves the problem that was faced before.