Penerapan Pendekatan Problem Solving Melalui Model Pembelajaran Search, Solve, Create And Share (SSCS) Disertai Hands on Activities untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa di SMP Negeri I Bulu Sukoharjo
Oleh :
Sri Indah Rini Astuti - K4304046 - Fak. KIP
The objective of this research is to know about problem solving approach application by using Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) problem solving model and hands on activities to improve creative thinking skill of class VII G student of SMP Negeri I Bulu Sukoharjo.
This research refers to The Classroom Action Research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subject of this research was 32 students of VII G of Class of SMP Negeri I Bulu Sukoharjo. The sources data consist of information from teacher and student, place and events that happened during teaching and learning process, and also some documents. The data of research is collected through observation sheet, questionnaire, interview, and documents. The data is analyzed in qualitative method. The validity of data is verified through triangulation technique of data collecting method.
The result of this research shows of that there has been increment percentage of questionnaire and observation in every aspect which includes fluency, flexibility, orisinality, and elaboration. The percentage’s mean of question result in sequence I is 73.39 percent improved 6.88 percent in sequence II, after the treatment given in sequence I. There are improvement in every creative thinking skill aspect and the most significant improvement is in fluency aspect. The reflection of the first sequence shows that student having low of argument explanation in the learning goal, so researcher gave further treatment in sequence II. In the second sequence the percentage’s mean of questioner result is 80.27 percent, in this cycle every participant aspect improved in line with the target. It can be conclude from research that problem solving approach application by using Search, Solve, Create and Share (SSCS) model and hands on activities can improve creative thinking skill of class VII G student of SMP Negeri I Bulu Sukoharjo.
Keywords: Problem Solving, SSCS, Hands on Activities, Creative Thinking Skill