
Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures and Games To The 3rd Grade Students of SDN Kerten II Surakarta Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures and Games To The 3rd Grade Students Of SDN Kerten II Surakarta

Oleh :
Dina Widyaningsih R - C9309032 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project was written based on the job training which was done from January until February, 2012. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the activity of teaching and learning English vocabulary in the 3rd grade students of SDN Kerten II Surakarta, to describe the activity of teaching English vocabulary using pictures and games to the 3rd grade students of SDN Kerten II Surakarta and to describe the effectiveness of teaching English Vocabulary using pictures and games. There were six steps in the activity of teaching English vocabulary namely: warming up, presentation, skill practice and assessment, and end of lesson. In teaching English vocabulary, the writer used pictures and games as the media. Pictures and games brought benefits in the learning process and made the learning process more effective. For example, pictures and games made the students more excited to join the English class, pictures and games made the students more motivated in learning vocabulary. The suggestion to SDN Kerten II Surakarta is to add more vocabulary pictures and English book for the students. Meanwhile, the suggestion to English teachers in SDN Kerten II Surakarta is using more techniques in teaching English so the students will not get bored.