The Effectiveness and Society’s Perception About Prepaid Program in Solo Raya Done by PT.PLN (APJ) Surakarta
Oleh :
Nurul Komariyah - C9309052 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The writer uses descriptive qualitative research. Data taken by having the observation in PT PLN APJ Surakarta and from the society. Then doing interview with public relation officer and society who live in Soloraya. After collecting all of data from the observation and interview, the next step is analyzing the data, they are selecting and focusing, displaying the data, and drawing conclusion.
Prepaid program is new product launched by PT PLN APJ Surakarta since November 2009. The program was socialized by public relations of PT PLN APJ Surakarta until now. They use media such as brochures, banners and billboards, radio, newspaper, television, and social gathering. The target of the prepaid program are household, family who are late in paying electricity service bill, people who want to install new electricity power and other society.
From 15 informants, 11 informants did not understand about prepaid program and only 4 informants use it. It shows that the socialization done by PT PLN APJ Surakarta is not successful yet. Most of the respondents said that they prefer using post paid to prepaid because postpaid is easier than prepaid system. The writer suggests that public relations of PT PLN APJ Surakarta should socialize through social gathering and by word of mouth because it is the most effective media to explain to society clearly in order to be able to understand about prepaid program well.