Perbandingan Lama Pengeringan Granul Terhadap Kadar Air dan Sifat Fisis Tablet Parasetamol
Oleh :
Weni Kusumawati - M3509066 - Fak. MIPA
One of medicine preparations is in tablet preparation. The tablet
preparation production passes through a variety of processes so that many factors
can affect it. One process in tablet preparation production is granule drying. The
presence of granule drying process will result in some water loss within the
granule, thereby affecting the water content of granule, and finally affecting the
physical property of tablet produced. A tablet preparation is expected to meet the
physical and chemical conditions. This research aims to find out the effect of
granule drying on the water content and physical property of tablet.
Tablet production was done using wet granulation method. The same
formula was used and then the duration of granule drying was varied for each
formula. Time dryed varians are 30 menits, 90 menits, 120 menits, and 180
menits. The tests conducted were granule physical property and tablet physical
property tests. The granule physical property test included water content, tapping,
angel of repose and flow time. Meanwhile the tablet physical property test
included: water content, weight uniformity, hardness, friability, and disintegration
time. The result of analysis was analyzed statistically and compared to the
precondition in Farmakope and other literature.
The result of research showed that the longer is the granule drying
duration, the lower the water content of granule, the shorter flow time and the
smaller the angle of repose, the better the weight uniformity and the lower the
friability. Out of four formulas, the formula with 180 minutes duration of granule
drying produced the best granule and tablet compared with other three formulas.
This is indicated by the resulting granules with the highest LOD%,% MC is low,
the most rapid granular flow, the angel of repose less than 300, and tapping
smallest granules. The resulting tablet also has a water content of the smallest,
smallest CV levels, the lower the friability, and high tablet hardness.
Keywords: Paracetamol, water level, granule physical property, tablet physical