
Pembuatan Peta Pariwisata Kota Surakarta yang Dapat Diakses Melaluiperangkat Mobile

Oleh :
Era Annisa Emansi Saliha - M3109029 - Fak. MIPA

Tourism is one of aspect which become major concern in Surakarta to be introduce into a broader scope. Many interesting places to be visited, but there are many people who do not know the reachness them. The purpose of this study was to create a map of Surakarta tourism, which is expected to help promotingtourism in Surakarta. Data collection methods used in this final project were observation, interview and literature study. Design stages used included system design, database and user interface. Software was built with PHP, Javascript and MySql for database and Apache for webserver. On this final project it has been created a website that has a facility to view complete information about tourist sites and places for the visitor and to manage data as well as data management for the website administrator. Keywords: Tourism Map, Map of Mobile, Travel and Surakarta