Pembuatan Pupuk Bokhasi Cair
Oleh :
Agus Tri Wahyudi - I8308014 - Fak. Teknik
use of chemical fertilizers by farmers resulted in the decline in soil fertility.
The purpose of this Final Project Paper is to find out the way of making a liquid
fertilizer with the addition of Effective microorganisms 4 (EM-4), identify the
content of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium in liquid fertilizer.
In general, organic fertilizer is a fertilizer made from organic ingredients
that are organically degraded. Advantages of organic fertilizers are inorganic
fertilizers to improve soil structure, increase soil absorption of water, as a source
of nutrition for the animals and raising the conditions of life in the soil. And the
advantages of this liquid is contained certain substances such as microorganisms
that are rarely found in organic solids, in dry form some microorganisms cannot
be dead and active substances, liquid organic fertilizer mixed with solid organic
fertilizers, it can activate the microorganisms present in the solid organic fertilizer.
This fertilizer is by mixing 0.6 kg of chicken or cow manure mixed with
dry leaves 0.3 and then dissolved in 1 liter of water and sugar plus 0.005 kg and 2
ml of EM-4 is then composted with temperatures around 35 ° C-45 ° C for 8-14
days until a constant temperature. The analysis of 1 liter of liquid manure from
cow dung is: 1.04% organic C, organic substance 1.79%, N 0.5%, P2O3 568.57
ppm, 3535.87 ppm K2O. And for liquid fertilizer from chicken manure as
follows: 0.70% organic C, organic substance 1.21%, N 0.48%, 547.81 ppm P2O3,
K2O 3140.53 ppm. Meanwhile, according to SNI: minimal organic C was 4.5%,
organic substance is not mentioned, N 4.07%, less than 180,000 ppm P2O3, K2O
less than 1.03 million ppm.
Conclusions from the analysis of liquid organic fertilizer from cow manure
with a ratio of leaf dry dirt with a 2: 1, produces a liquid fertilizer with a better
quality of the liquid organic fertilizer from chicken manure with the same ratio