Aplikasi multimedia pembelajaran membaca pada anak usia dini
Oleh :
Setyowati - M3209079 - Fak. MIPA
The rapid development of technology especially for computer technology,
brings impact to education which is the uses of that computer itself. Computer can
be used as learning media in studying process. To make the delivery of reading
material easier to the children, the material is given by packaging into multimedia
form which has educational quality and it is entertaining. The goal of this research
is to make an application of read learning which has a multimedia basis as the
alternative media of learning that is easy to be understood by the children with
“Edutaintment” concept.
This application is made by using Adobe flash CS5 software as the main
software and Nero Wave Editor as proponent software. The making of this
application uses two methods, those are observation and literature.
Based on the result of observation which has done, the conclution is the
application of read learning has done successfully.
Keyword: Multimedia, Learning, Edutainment