The new proposed communication plan to promote the program of pln prepaid service in pt. Pln persero apj Surakarta
Oleh :
Pradita Budi Setiawan - C9309099 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The objectives of the research are to explore the communication management and the existing condition of PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta in socializing PLN prepaid service to the societies and to propose the revision of communication plan that is less effective from PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta in socializing PLN prepaid program. From those objectives, the writer expects that the PLN prepaid program can run well and PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta can reach the set target of PLN prepaid program in one city and four regencies.
In this research, the techniques of collecting data are literature study, observation, and interview. The writer uses literature study about PLN prepaid program which is obtained from PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta. The observation is conducted when the writer was on job training and on the field. The interviews are done to the internal and external publics which are related to the purpose of the research. After obtaining the data, the writer also analyzed the data to explore the communication management and the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat of company in socializing PLN prepaid service.
Having explored the communication management and the existing condition of PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta in socializing PLN prepaid service towards societies, the writer proposes the new communication plan which is based on the Bernstein’s wheel. To realize the new communication plan based on the Bernstein’s wheel, there must be a meeting intended to socialize PLN prepaid program and influence the public in order to use PLN prepaid service. The meeting involves two institutions. They are the local government and PT. PLN Persero APJ Surakarta.