The role of pastry section to food and beverage outlets in sahid jaya hotel solo
Oleh :
Tri Wibowo - C9309078 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is based on the job training in the pastry section of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the job description of pastry section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, to explain the responsibilities of pastry section in Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel, and to describe the role of pastry section to food and beverage outlets in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo.
Based on the observation, job shift in Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel is divided into three shifts. The duties of trainee in the pastry section of Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel are due to the shifts: morning shift, evening shift, and night shift. From the observation and interview done by the writer; the pastry section has main responsibility, it is responsible in preparing breakfast, coffee break, lunch, dinner, snack, cake and bread for the guest in the hotel. Besides the responsibility; the pastry section has role to food and beverage outlets, such as: Banquet section, Sekar Jagad Pub, Ratu Ratih Restaurant, and Truntum Cake & Bakery Patisserie. For banquet Section, the pastry has role to provide a coffee break snack and the dessert for the banquet events. For Sekar Jagad Pub; the pastry has a lot of role to the Sekar Jagad Pub, such as the pastry should prepare the snacks to be served to singers in The Sekar Jagad Pub everynight, if there is event in the Sekar jagad pub, the pastry has role to serve appetizer and dessert, and if there are breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the Sekar jagad pub, the pastry is responsible to serve the pastry products to guest. For Ratu Ratih Restaurant, the pastry has role to serve the breads to have breakfast to guest. Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo has pastry shop, namely Truntum Cake & Bakery. The pastry has role to supply the products to be sold in the shop, such as cake, bakery, and snack.