Evaluasi tingkat kepatuhan pelaporan SPT tahunan pajak penghasilan tahun 2008-2010 di KPP Pratama Karanganyar
Oleh :
Dyah Ayu Puspaningtyas - F3409026 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this final project is to obtain a greater depth and
understanding on how to improve taxpayer compliance and reporting compliance
rate of Income Tax SPT. the higher the level of compliance, state revenues will be
higher, because it is a source of state income taxes to finance state spending.
The method used is a case study, namely taking a particular object to be
analyzed in depth by focusing on a problem. The data used are primary and
secondary data. Primary data was collected through direct interviews with the
KPP Pratama Karanganyar in this case the head of the ministry, the ministry, the
general manager and the staff / employees, while the secondary data obtained
from books or other books that have anything to do with the subject of the task set
The results can be concluded that the level of reporting compliance in
Annual Income Tax Return SPT KPP Pratama Karanganyar already exceeded the
targets set by the Directorate General of Taxes.
Suggestions can be submitted writers, should KPP Pratama Karanganyar
improve its performance in providing counseling and provide maximum service to
taxpayers, so that taxpayers do not have difficulty in meeting tax obligations such
as filling and report the SPT. Thereby increasing the level of reporting compliance
in Annual Income Tax Return SPT KPP Pratama Karanganyar