
Hubungan Kecanduan Online Game Dengan Depresi Pada Remaja Laki-Laki Pengunjung Game Centre Di Kelurahan Jebres

Oleh :
Sofi Ariani - G0009202 - Fak. Kedokteran

There was a lot of adolescent boys who spend their time in the game center. Previous research said that online gaming addiction affects the physical and mental health. This study aims to prove the relationship between online game addiction and depression. Methods: This is a descriptive analytical research with a cross sectional approach. Subjects were adolescent boys game centre visitor in Jebres Village . The samples were 35 people. Samples were taken by purposively sampling, the selection is based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collection techniques using the BDI depression scale, the scale of online gaming addiction questionnaires by dr. Kimberley Young and Family Intimacy Instrument (CCI), those provided directly to the subject. Data scores of online game addiction, depression and family intimacy were analyzed with multiple logistic regression analysis model using the program SPSS 17.0 for Windows Results: The results of the analysis of online game addiction variables indicate that there is a positive relationship between online game addiction and depression in adolescent boys in Jebres Village. Teens with online game addiction has 1.61 times greater risk for depression than adolescent boys without online game addiction. Although not statistically significant (OR: 1.61; 95% CI 0.30 s / d 8.69) p = 0.581). The result of analysis of family intimacy variables also indicate that the relationship was not statistically significant between family intimacy and depression. Adolescent boy with low family intimacy has less than 0.5 times risk for depression (OR = 0.44). However, online gaming addiction pose a greater risk of experiencing depression than the risks posed by families with low intimacy. Conclusions: There is a positive relationship between online game addiction and depression although not statistically significant. The higher the level of adolescent addiction to online games, the higher the risk for depression.