Improving Teaching English Vocabulary About Animal By Using Video Song For The 3rd Grade Students Of Sdn Yosodipuro 104 Surakarta
Oleh :
Asokawati Endang Lestari - C9309019 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project is written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN Yosodipuro 104 Surakarta. The writer focused on third grade, as the main object of observation. The aim of this final project is to describe the process of teaching vocabulary by using video song and the effectiveness of using video song in improving the vocabulary to the third grade of SDN Yosodipuro 104 Surakarta.
The process of using video songs in teaching English vocabularies to the third grade of SDN Yosodipuro 104 Surakarta was conducted by means of several steps, namely: warming up, presentation, exercising, and assesment.
In teaching English vocabulary, the writer used video song as the media. Using video song made the learning process more effective. Video songs as an audio-visual media which present motion pictures help the writer explain the lesson. Learning through video songs makes students interested in studying English and can keep students’ concentration. Besides, the use of video song can help the students improve their skill in listening comprehension and speaking.