
Uji Aktivitas Sinbiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat (Bal), Inulin dan Granul Ekstrak Daun Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Pada Ayam Broiler Secara In Vitro

Oleh :
Dwi Ratih - M0408054 - Fak. MIPA

Antibiotik sintetik dalam ransum komersil pakan ayam broiler dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan mengendap dan membahayakan kesehatan konsumen. Bioaditif diperlukan sebagai pengganti antibiotik sintetik untuk mengurangi residu antibiotik. Bioaditif dapat berupa sinbiotik dari probiotik, prebiotik dan fitobiotik dengan harapan dapat menghambat bakteri patogen serta meningkatkan bakteri baik dalam pencernaan ayam broiler. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan formula sinbiotik antara probiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL), prebiotik inulin dan fitobiotik granul ekstrak daun mengkudu (GEDM) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri patogen pada ayam broiler secara in vitro. Penelitian ini meliputi pembuatan GEDM; uji pendahuluan menggunakan inulin umbi dahlia, GEDM (0,1%, 0,2% dan 0,3%) terhadap BAL (Pediococcus acidilactici R01) dan patogen (Salmonella pullorum ATCC 13036); aktivitas sinbiotik dua komponen antara inulin (0,2%-0,3%) dengan BAL dan GEDM dengan BAL; tiga komponen antara BAL, inulin dan GEDM terhadap patogen menggunakan metode total plate count (TPC) dan difusi sumuran. Analisis data secara statistik dengan uji General Linear Model (GLM)-Univariat Analysis of Varian dan ANOVA dilanjutkan uji Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inulin meningkatkan pertumbuhan BAL sebesar 37,42%, serta menekan pertumbuhan patogen sebesar 6,87%. Penambahan 0,2% GEDM dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan BAL sebesar 45,19% dan menekan pertumbuhan patogen sebesar 21,25% dibanding kontrol. Penghambatan optimal sinbiotik antara probiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL), prebiotik inulin dan fitobiotik granul ekstrak daun mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen pada ayam broiler secara in vitro dengan formula Inulin 0,2% + GEDM 0,3% + BAL 100% sebesar 1,78 ± 0,84 mm. Kata Kunci: probiotik, prebiotik, fitobiotik, bakteri asam laktat, inulin, Morinda citrifolia L. ACTIVITY SINBIOTIC TEST OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA (LAB), INULIN AND NONI (Morinda citrifolia L.) EXTRACT LEAFS GRANULE TO THE BACTERIA PATHOGEN IN BROILER IN VITRO Dwi Ratih Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta Abstract Synthetic antibiotic in the ration of commercial broiler chicken feed in the long time will settle and be harmful to consumers health. It is required bioaditif instead of synthetic antibiotics to reduce antibiotic residues. One of them i.e. sinbiotic of probiotics, prebiotics and fitobiotic is expected to inhibit pathogenic bacteria and increase the good bacteria in the digestive tract of broiler chickens. This research was conducted to determine the effect and sinbiotic formulas among of probiotic lactid acid bacteria (LAB), prebiotics inulin and fitobiotic noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) extract leaf granules (NELG) on the bacterial pathogens in broiler chickens in vitro. This research included manufacturing NELG, preliminary test using inulin dahlia tubers and NLEG (0%, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3%) toward the growth of LAB (Pediococcus acidilactici R01) and pathogens (Salmonella pullorum ATCC 13036), the activity sinbiotic two components between inulin (0.2%-0.3%) with LAB and LAB with NELG and the three components of the LAB, inulin and NELG against pathogens using the total plate count (TPC) and wells diffusion method. Analysis of statistical data using the General Linear Model (GLM)-Univariat Analysis of Variants and ANOVA test followed Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) level of 5%. The result showed that inulin increased LAB growth of 37.42%, and suppressed the growth of pathogens by 6.87%. The addition of 0.2% NELG increased LAB growth of 45.19% and suppressed the growth of pathogens by 21.25% compared to control. Optimal inhibition of sinbiotic among probiotic LAB, prebiotic inulin and fitobiotic NELG to the growth of pathogenic bacteria in broilers by in vitro formula is Inulin 0.2% + NELG 0.3% + LAB 100% of 1.78 ± 0.84 mm. Key words: probiotic, prebiotic, fitobiotic, lactic acid bacteria, inulin, Morinda citrifolia L.