An Analysis Of Translation Techniques Of Noun Phrase And The Quality Of The Translation In James Cameron’s Novel “Avatar”
Oleh :
Virati Retno Devanti - C1306022 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research focuses on the analysis of translation techniques and the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability of the message of the noun phrases in James Cameron’s novel “Avatar” which has been conveyed by the translator from the source language into the target language. This is a descriptive qualitative research. This research aims at describing the translation of noun phrases in James Cameron’s novel “Avatar”. There are two kinds of data in this research. The first data are all the noun phrases found in the novel and their translation and the second are the scores collected from the informants. This research belongs to descriptive study and applies qualitative method. To collect the data, total sampling technique was applied. The result of the analysis shows that there are 133 noun phrases found in the novel. In this study, the translator employs techniques of translation by omission (13 data or 7.93%), borrowing (34 data or 20.73%), addition (1 datum or 0.61%), synonymy (11 data or 6.70%), reduction and expansion of meaning (13 data or 7.93%), cultural equivalent (1 datum or 0.61%) and established equivalence (91 data or 55.49%). The most frequently used technique is translation by established equivalence which covers 91 data (55.49% of all the data). The accuracy level of the translation is high. There are 107 data (80.5%) considered to be accurate translation, 23 data (17.3%) considered to be less accurate translation and 3 data (2.2%) considered to be not accurate translation. The technique of translation by established equivalence is the technique which has high level of accuracy. The degree of acceptability of the noun phrase translation in Avatar novel is high. There are 110 data (82.7%) considered to be acceptable translation and 23 data (17.3%) classified as less acceptable translation. The technique of translation by established equivalence is the technique which has high level of acceptability. It is hoped that this thesis will be helpful for students in studying translation especially in translating the noun phrase and can stimulate other researchers to conduct a further study related to translation of noun phrase.