

The Effectiveness Of Fan-N-Pick Method In Teaching Reading Comprehension Viewed From Students’ Self-Confidence (An Experimental Research On Reading Skill For Eighth Grade Students Of Smpn 2 Kejobong, Purbalingga In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)

Oleh :
Vera Kristiana - S89110811 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objectives of the research are to prove whether or not: (1) fan-n-pick method is more effective than grammar translation method in teaching reading comprehension, (2) students who have high self-confidence have better reading skill than those who have low self-confidence, and (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ self-confidence on the students’ reading skill. The research was conducted at SMPN 2 Kejobong, Purbalingga. The research belongs to experimental study. The population was the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Kejobong in the academic year of 2012/2013. The technique used to get the sample was cluster random sampling. Test (reading test) and non test (self-confidence questionnaire) techniques were used to collect the data. They were tried-out to be a valid and reliable instrument. The data of reading test were analyzed by using multifactor analysis of variance 2 x 2. Then, they were analyzed by using Tukey test. The result of inferential analysis of the data shows that there are some research findings that can be drawn. First, fan-n-pick method is more effective than grammar translation method to teach reading. Second, the students having high self-confidence have better reading skill than those who have low self-confidence. Third, there is an interaction effect between the teaching methods used and students’ self-confidence in teaching reading. Fan-n-pick method is more effective than GTM for teaching reading for students having high self-confidence and GTM is more effective than fan-n-pick method for teaching reading for students having low self-confidence. It is hoped that the result of the study can be a reference for the English teachers to teach reading creatively and it can be a reference for other researchers to conduct further research.