
Teaching English Vocabulary To The Fourth Grade Students Of Sdn Sanggrahan Jebres Surakarta

Oleh :
Yona Yulistyaningrum - C9309091 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is based on the job training in SDN Sanggrahan. The writer had an opportunity to teach the 4th grade. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the activities in teaching English vocabulary in the fourth grade in SDN Sanggrahan, the difficulties faced by the writer in teaching learning vocabulary and the problem solving. The activities in teaching English were based on the lesson plan that was made by the writer. The lesson plan consists of motivating strategy, presentation strategy, skill practice, and assessment. The writer found the difficulties during the teaching learning process, from the facilities, the students, and the parents. The writer had some solutions to solve to problems. The writer asked the school to provide additional books, and build a comfortable library. Songs, games, and pictureswere the methods used in teaching English Vocabulary. Fun and enjoyment activities are suitable technique to use in teaching learning process. The writer told the parents that their children have high motivation in learning English, so theyneed to give more attention to the students.