

The Effectiveness Of Generating Interaction Between Scemata And Text (Gist) To Teach Reading Skill Viewed From Students’ Intelligence (An Experimental Research In The Second Semester Students Of English Teaching Department Of Ikip Pgri Madiun In The A

Oleh :
Nuri Ati Ningsih - S89100806 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objectives of the research are: (1) to reveal whether GIST is more effective than Direct Instructional strategy to teach reading; (2) to reveal whether the students having high intelligence have better reading skill than those who having low intelligence; and (3) to prove whether there is an interaction between teaching strategy and students’intelligence to teach reading. The research was conducted at IKIP PGRI Madiun in the academic year of 2011/2012. The research method was quasi experimental research by using a simple factorial design 2 x 2. The population in this research was the second grade students of IKIP PGRI Madiun. The writer used cluster random sampling to get the sample. The sample consists of 60 students which are divided into two classes, II D consisting 30 students as a control class and II G consisting 30 students as an experimental class. The instruments used to collect the data were reading test to get the score of reading skill and documentation that was used to collect the data of the students’ intelligence. Before the instruments were used, the tryout was done to know the validity and reliability of instruments. Pre-test and post -test was conducted by using valid and reliable instrument. Before giving the treatment, the sample was measured by using pre-test, meanwhile post –test was given after the treatment was finished. The collected data were analyzed by the writer in term of their frequency distribution, normality, and homogeneity. Then, the data were analyzed by using multifactoral analysis 2X2. Based on the results of the analysis, there are some research findings that can be taken: (1) GIST is more effective than DI strategy for teaching reading; (2) The students having high intelligence have better reading skill than the students having low intelligence; and (3) There is no interaction between teaching strategies and students’ intelligence in teaching reading. It means that the effect of teaching strategies on the students’ reading skill doesn’t depend on the students’ intelligence. From the results above, it can be concluded that GIST is an effective strategy to teach reading for the second grade students of English teaching department of IKIP PGRI Madiun. Therefore, it is recommended that (1) The lecturers can use GIST as an alternative way to improve their teaching strategy in teaching reading; (2) The lecturers should consider that intelligence as one of the factors that influence teaching reading; and (3) Other researchers may this research as a reference to carry out the similar research.