
Evaluasi Prosedur Pemberian Kredit Kepada Nasabah Pada Ksu Mina Sejahtera Usp Swamitra Mina Cilacap

Oleh :
Setho Prananggalih - F3309111 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the internal control system of credit which is applied on USP Swamitra Mina KSU Mina Sejahtera (loan bank). The research steps in this study are conducted by comparing the theory and the practice which are done in the real life in USP Swamitra Mina KSU Mina Sejahtera. The evaluation result shows that there are strengths and weaknesses in the internal control system of credit in USP Swamitra Mina KSU Mina Sejahtera. Some strengths are found in the internal control system of credit: each works of each functions has been suitable to the procedure which is determined by the company; the use of computerization can ease the service to the customers; and the credit agreement of a customer or debtor is not conducted based on the personal decision but it is conducted by a particular credit committee. The evaluation result also shows that there are some weaknesses: there is a function which does multi-tasks which actually should be done separately; there are no copies of the documents which are used in the credit application so that they tend to be lost; there is no accountant department which has a responsibility to do journalizing activities after disbursement of money and to input the debtor data in the loan list; Account Officer is inaccurate in analyzing the debtor candidates in the credit application process.Based on the evaluation result, there are some suggestions which can be a consideration to the company such as making a function separation between customer finder and debt collector; making a copy of the documents to anticipate the loosing of the data anytime; making a accountant department to do journalizing activities after the disbursement of money and to input the debtor data in the loan list; and Account Officer should be more careful in choosing the debtor candidates so there will not be a non-performing loan..