
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Dan Kegiatan Melalui Pinjaman Daerah Di Kabupaten Klaten 2009

Oleh :
Joko Handoyo HS - S4209090 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This study aims to determine the level of evaluation of programs and activities through borrowing in Klaten district in 2009. This type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Sources of data generated from the relevant agencies Bappeda Klaten. Required data in this study are data on the implementation of programs and activities that are financed by borrowing in 2009. Data collection techniques used were observation and documentation study. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and performance analysis. The results showed that: (1) The success rate of the financial performance of the loan with the highest effectiveness (very effective) is a Tulung SMK USB laboratory development program that is equal to 100 percent. Programs / activities that meet the criteria are effective RSPD development, Parliament Secretariat building rehab, rehab / maintenance of roads and bridges, office building of integrated services, and the development of the area attractions Ingar integrated source. Programs / activities that meet the criteria are quite effective environmental street improvement district and the construction of roads Demakijo - Banjarjero. Financing for the construction of roads Sukorini - Kendalsari still felt less effective. Programs making embung Bogem, Prapat, and retaining the cliff is very ineffective, because it was budgeted but implementation was delayed. (2) The success rate of the performance of programs / activities that are funded by loans in Klaten area has been carried out in accordance with predetermined targets, which shows keefktifan achievement and success at 86.2 percent. Utilization of regional loans to the realization of the program / activity is in conformity with the planned, except for program making Bogem ponds, and retaining cliffs Prapat not be held / delayed, and constructing roads Sukorini-Kendalsari less successful.