Pengaruh Penambahan Sukrosa Terhadap Mutu Sabun Transparan Dari Ekstrak Etanol Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.)
Oleh :
Andarini Siwi Mumpuni - M3510003 - Fak. MIPA
Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) is a kind of herbs which contains asiatikosida that be trusted to overcome of various skin problems such as keloids, cellulite, and black stains. To optimize the usage of it, the form the soap was made into transparent soap. One of the additional ingredients used to make the transparent soap is sucrose or frequently called white sugar. In the process of making the transparent soap, white sugar is served to help the transparency of soap. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of increasing the sucrose toward the degree of the transparancy of the soap, stability of physical properties before and after storage for 8 weeks, and find out the skin response towards the soap by doing irritability test towards some respondents.
Pegagan extract transparent soap is varied with the concentration of sucrose 11 %, 13%, and 15 %. The soap which is produced is conducted with a series of tests of physical characteristics include transparency, pH, water content, and the stability of the foam. Then, the data gathered was analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov to find out the normality of the distibuted data. The data which is normal distributed was analized using ANOVA (α=0,05) with the level of credibility 95%, and is continued with t-LSD (Least Significant Difference) test to find out if there is any important difference or not.
The resarch result shows that the increasing of sucrose effects the degree of transparency and the water content of the soap. However, it doesn’t effect the physical characteristic of the form of the soap which include pH and the stability of the foam. Besides,the soap was acceptable because the majority of respondents do not have any irritation. The stability of the physical characteristic of the form of the soap is good because during 8 weeks of the usage there are no significant difference except the water content of the soap which dominantly the significance value is around 0,00-0,046 < 0,05, which means had a significant difference.
Keywords: pegagan, transparent soap, sucrose, stablity