
The Effectiveness Of Graphic Organizer To Teach Writing Viewed From The Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Research In The Tenth Grade Students Of Sma N 3 Kediri In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)

Oleh :
Saifuddin - S891008114 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The research aims at finding out whether: (1) Graphic Organizer is more effective than Direct Instruction to teach writing; (2) the tenth grade students of SMA N 3 Kediri who have high creativity have better writing skill than those having low creativity; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ creativity to teach writing. This research was done in SMA N 3 Kediri. The subject of the research is the tenth grade students in the academic year of 2012 – 2013. The technique which was applied in this research was experimental study. The samples were taken by using cluster random sampling technique. The class X-1 was used as the experimental class and class X-2 as the control class. Each of the class consisted of 24 students. The data were obtained from students’ score of creativity test and score of writing test. To analyze the data, researcher used descriptive analysis, ANOVA, and Tukey test. The result of the research shows that: (1) GO is more effective than DI in teaching writing for tenth grade students of SMA N 3 Kediri; (2) students who have high creativity have better writing skill than students who have low creativity; (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ creativity in teaching writing at the tenth grade students of SMA N 3 Kediri. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that GO is an effective method to teach writing viewed from students’ creativity at the tenth grade students of SMA N 3 Kediri. Recommendations are addressed to English teachers and future researchers. English teacher should consider utilizing GO due to the benefits of the method. For future researchers, it is suggested to conduct more sophisticated research on the same topic.