
Dampak Pembangunan Pasar Di Kota Surakarta (Studi Kasus Di Pasar Gading)

Oleh :
Ihda Zulfa Khusnina - F3410049 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Market development has the objective among others increase revenue and competitiveness of traditional traders with modern market and increase occupancy rates and the visitors to give effect to the Government and local traders in creating a clean market, healthy, neat and beautiful and fair. The objective of market development program aimed at traditional market traders, general public as the visitors and the as consumers of traditional markets. From the development markets will appear the impact of market development. This final project aims to determine the impact of what is happening with the development of markets in Surakarta city. Here the writer conducted a study case in the Market Gading. In connection with these objectives, the research conducted through interviews with staff Management Office markets, Chief of the Office of Gading Market and market traders to know the impact that occurred with the development of the market. Literature study was also conducted to gather information from books, documents and other sources. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that the impact of the construction market in Surakarta city with a study case in the Gading Market have a positive impact, although there are deficiencies that must be corrected after the market development. Based on these results of the research the writer propose some suggestions that officials in the Gading Market should immediately be added to the job market can be run more effectively. The Department of Market Management for more attention to the state of Gading Market building as a pilot market Management Department better protect and manage the market in order to better the future of traditional markets in particular are not extinct Gading Markets with many modern market.