

Improving students’ speaking skill through task-based instruction (A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri 2 Panumbangan, Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2011/2012

Oleh :
Fera Sulastri - S891102015 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This thesis aims at finding: 1) whether the Task-Based Instruction can improve students’ speaking skill, and 2) how effective Task-Based Instruction implemented in the classroom is. The problem of the research refers two aspects. First, from cognitive aspect, it was the low score of the fifth grade of elementary school in speaking activity. The average score of the class did not reach the minimum passing grade which is 60. Second, from affective aspect, it was found that speaking activity was never effective. Students became passive and silent. The research was conducted in the fifth grade of SD Negeri 2 Panumbangan Ciamis in the academic year of 2011/2012. The method of the researcher used was classroom action research. It was including the subject of the research, the method of the research, the procedure of the research, technique of collecting the data, and technique of analyzing the data. The research was conducted in three cycles and carried out four steps namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle was the continuum steps from the implementation of the previous cycle. The result of the research showed that the use of Task-Based Instruction improved students’ speaking skill. It could be seen from the increasing score per cycle. For instance, the mean score in the pre-test is 57, while the mean of the post-test in cycle I is 62, cycle II was 64, and cycle III was 65.7assesed by five indicators of speaking skills, they are fluency, comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Beside, the consideration of effective teaching and learning also is a part of the research. It was shown that characteristic of twelve effective learning were appeared in every cycle. They are including cognitive principles: automaticity, meaningful learning, and the anticipation of rewards, intrinsic motivation, and strategic investment, affective domain: language ego, self-confidence, risk-taking, and linguistic principles: language culture connection, native language effect, interlanguage, and communicative competence. Finding of the result shows that Task-Based Instruction can improve students’ speaking skill and also appeared the principles of effective learning and teaching language. Instead of its weakness, hopefully, it inspires other researcher to conduct the research. Key words: speaking skill, task-based instruction, classroom action research