The Case of Heidi’s Reconstructed Body: Challenging Postfeminism on the Normalization of Cosmetic Surgery
Oleh :
Kustina Indira Wardhani - C1307013 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research discusses the case of Heidi’s reconstructed body challenging postfeminism on the normalization of cosmetic surgery. Conducted within the framework of American Studies as interdisciplinary studies, this research appropriates interdisciplinary approaches such as the semiotics, the socio-cultural, and foucauldian feminist and postfeminism theoretical approach to answer its research question.
This research is descriptive qualitative research taking six articles reporting Heidi’s surgical makeover as its sources of data. They are divided into the main and supporting data consisting of words, sentences, paragraphs, and photographs. It is found that the case of Heidi’s reconstructed body has challenged posfeminism on the normalization of cosmetic surgery in three major points.
First, the optimizing femininity through the consumption of surgical procedures, subjugating Heidi’s subjectivity through lifetime body maintenances, has challenged postfeminism theorizing that the optimizing femininity enables women to complete the qualities of subjecthood and independent.
Second, Heidi self-correction to each of cultural practices against her body sustaining cosmetic surgery in dominated position and Heidi in subordinated position has challenged postfeminism neglecting power as constitutive element in the construction of femininity.
Third, Heidi suffering from female body dysmorphic disorder caused by the normalization of cosmetic surgery as disciplinary practice of femininity, presents the fact that gender inequality and female body subjugation are never absent in the construction of femininity. This fact has challenged postfeminism theorizing cosmetic surgery as disciplinary practice of femininity is merely free choice of woman who has her own power and individual subjectivity.
Keywords: cosmetic surgery, postfeminism, power femininity, individual