Analisa Perbandingan Penerapan Permit To Work Di Pt Asahimas Chemical Cilegon Banten Dengan Pt. X Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Kecelakaan Kerja
Oleh :
Oktaviana Zahratul Putri - R0010076 - Fak. Kedokteran
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine differences in the application of
permit to work PT. Asahimas Chemical with PT. X as a comparison and analysis of
how the permit to work application as a preventive efforts to work accident in PT.
Asahimas Chemical.
Methods: The research method used is descriptive, organized through observation,
interviews, and literature study to give a clear picture or detailed permit to work, on
existing facts and data.
Results: The result of study is describe the application of permit to work in PT
Asahimas Chemical i.e, by identifying hazards in the workplace, and also have 11
types of permit to work. Then this permit to work have line when discussed and
compared with existing data from PT.X also comparing it with existing regulatory
Conclusion: PT. Asahimas Chemical has been doing accident prevention program
and health hazards. One of the efforts made by PT. Asahimas Chemical is implement
the permit to work in every job is have been hazards.