The Implementation Of Australian Parliamentary Debate To Teach Speaking (A Naturalistic Study At Sma Trimurti Surabaya In 2012)
Oleh :
Moh Haris Firdaus - S891108067 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The objective of this research is to obtain clear description of the
implementation of Australian Parliamentary Debate in the teaching of speaking,
and reveal how the implementation of Australian Parliamentary Debate promotes
high school students’ critical thinking skill.
The research was conducted in SMA Trimurti Surabaya, East Java Province
from October – November 2012. It is a qualitative research in the form of
naturalistic study. The subjects of the research were the students of grade XII
Science 2 in SMA Trimurti in learning speaking using Australian Parliamentary
Debate. The data of this thesis were taken from observation and interview. In
analyzing the qualitative data, the researcher used interactive model of analysis
data by Miles and Huberman, it includes conducted data collection, data
reduction, data display, drawing conclusion and verification.
The result compiled from the information collected shows as follows: (1)
the implementation of APD encourages students to speak communicatively. It is
indicated during the debating activity, students are able to build the case from the
given motion. It is also revealed that there were many rebuttals during the
debating session, it indicates students understand their opponents’ case. (2)
students showed the ability of critical thinking. They had understood the motion,
they could define the motion, developing the theme line, and composing the split
from the given motion, and the cases are always linked back to the motion.
Besides, they could choose which arguments that should be taken to compose
rebuttal. Their rebuttals also proven that they can think quite critical toward the
cases. Secondly, the implementation of APD can promote students thinking
ability. The research findings implied that the implementation of APD in the
teaching of speaking improves students’ proficiency in speaking and critical
Therefore teachers need to be creative in teaching. Teachers also need to
know the students’ psychological condition.