Analisis Efektivitas Penerapan Pajak Progresif Kendaraan Bermotor Dan Keterkaitannya Dengan Penggunaan E-Ktp (Studi Kasus Samsat Karanganyar)
Oleh :
Aida Nurul Hidayah - F3410006 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The objective of research was to find out the effectiveness of motor
vehicle progressive tax application in relation to the use of e-KTP (Electronic-
Identity Card) in managing the Motor Vehicle Tax administration, the effect of
e-KTP use on the motor vehicle progressive tax, and the constraints occurring in
improving the effectiveness of motor vehicle progressive tax application in
SAMSAT Karanganyar.
The methods used in this research were observation, interview, and library
study. The observation was done by the writer through observing and drawing a
conclusion on the motor vehicle tax service. The interview was done with the
Chairman of UP3AD Karanganyar and Motor Vehicle Tax Section without
systematic and structured interview. The library study was done by the writer by
collecting the data from library study, namely article and journal.
Considering the result of research, the effectiveness level of progressive
tax application would increase as e-KTP was used in the motor vehicle Tax
administration. The use of e-KTP in the motor-vehicle administration could
minimize the evasion of motor vehicle progressive tax by the Taxpayers. On the
other hand, majority Taxpayers still used Conventional KTP (Identity Card) in
Motor Vehicle Tax administration.
The writer recommended the SAMSAT to separate the motor vehicle
progressive tax target from Motor Vehicle Tax target, to apply the use of e-KTP
in Motor Vehicle Tax administration, and to validate the identity card for the
Taxpayers still using conventional identity card in order to minimize the evasion
of motor vehicle progressive tax.