Evaluasi Sistem Pembukaan Rekening Deposito Sampai Dengan Pencairan Deposito Secara Tunai Pada Pd. Bpr. Bank Daerah Karanganyar
Oleh :
Diahwarih Anindya Puspitaningtyas - F3310039 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
PD. BPR. Bank Daerah Karanganyar is one of the bank in Karanganyar. The main activity is collecting funds in the form of deposits and savings from the public and re-distribute the funds (credit) for the people who need the funds. Deposit is one of banking product that appeared from the activities of collecting funds. The effectiveness of the procedures was created by the company should be able to maintain a close relationship between the company and the public and to maintain the trust of the public. Therefor, the author is interested to know how the system of opening a deposit account until disbursement the deposit in cash at PD. BPR. Bank Daerah Karanganyar and to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the system. The writing is done by the method of collecting primary data is obtained directly, interview is conducted by giving question and answer directly, and through apprenticeship. From the research, the authors concluded that the system of opening a deposit account until disbursement the deposit in cash at PD. BPR. Bank Daerah Karanganyar overall is quite simple, quite good, and effective although there are some weaknesses. The weaknesses are some of the documents that are not saved by the archiving function and not created compulsory leave for permanent employees. Thus, the author gives some advices to companies are archiving should be done by a part only to the search easily and should be made the program compulsory leave for permanent employees that aims to detect if there are employees who commit fraud.