
Evaluasi Prosedur Pembayaran Pensiun Dan Tabungan Hari Tua Pada Pt Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Surakarta

Oleh :
Nuzul Witama - F3310091 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose to research is to increasing knowledge of the particular procedure about the payment procedure of PT.TASPEN (Persero) and the step to get the retirement benefits and superannuation. The results of the research is done by comparing between the theory and the practice provided by instructor of PT.TASPEN (Persero) and also with the interview data obtained from the workers of TASPEN used to compile this final project. The results of research are the excees or lack about the payment procedure made in serving the participants of TASPEN. The conclusion of research are the payment procedur used by TASPEN is fine and able to archieve the goal and also to minimize the errors and improve the service quality to the participants of TASPEN. Based on the results of research, the researcher give some suggestion about the requirement procedure is too turtuous and sometimes the requirement are too difficult to paricipants to understand it. So, it would be good if PT.TASPEN(Persero) make a simple requirement in order to make the participants easy to understand the requirement need to get the benefits of TASPEN.