Pelestarian budaya lokal dengan pendekatan komunikiasi antar budaya
Oleh :
Esty Wulandari, S.Sos., M.Si - - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The effect of globalization is the world become “global village”, It means that the world is just like “the village” which interact with people from another nation in the world. People with different culture, ideology they can be communicate with other to do good relationship in economic, sosial politics, etc. Every nations must be understanding another culture to create mutual relationship. The effect of globalization are the people had to choice, first they follow the effect of globalization or second to keep the local culture. If the people can maintain and manage the local culture by keeping the culture, the language, the art, the various traditions customs itself they can develop the local culture.but if the local culture is not being maintain by the local people the local culture will be disappear.
To keep the local culture, we have to look at the component of culture which statement by Koentjaraningrat. The component of culture consist of language, knowledge, job, art, the various traditions customs. One of component of culture is language. Local Language used to maintain the local culture. In communication, language used to transmitt the message from sender to receiver. Communication culture used to understand the other people with different culture. If the communication can be effective needs the similarity culture so the message can be understand with other. Understanding the Local Language is important, not just learning about the language itself but the culture needs to be understanding by the people. To keep the local culture can be understanding by the individual itself. They have to realize that they have responsiblity to keep the local culturealthough they live with various culture.
Keywords : Communication, Local culture, globalization