
Perseus ‘Percy’ Jackson: The Re-Invention Of Mythological Characters In Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief

Oleh :
Yunita Ariani Putri - C0309072 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The objectives of this research are to explain how the Greek mythological characters are reflected and re-invented in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and to understand Riordan’s ideology conveyed throughout the novel. This research belongs to cultural studies with the application of archetypal/mythological approach. The main data of this research are collected from the characters, characterizations, and plot of the novel while supporting data come from any articles and interviews related to the novel and its author. These interviews are several interviews done by some interviewers and are all retrieved from the internet. The first problem statement about the archetypal characters is based on Joseph Campbell’s model. The findings of the first analysis are then continued afterward to answer the second problem statement about Riordan’s ideology conveyed through the novel by also connecting it with the situations in the United States where he lives. Based on the archetypal analysis toward the characters, Joseph Campbell’s model for archetypal characters is proven not to be one-to-one classification. Although Riordan may have his own interpretations toward Greek mythological characters appeared in his novel, their characteristics are still stuck closely to the original versions of those existed in Greek myths. The second analysis sees that Riordan’s ideology has been influenced by the society where he lives and vice versa. His ideology within the work influences the society in the point that children’s interests in mythology and in reading books increased after the work was published. The ideology studied in this research focuses on Riordan’s beliefs and his ways of seeing the world. The statuses he bears both as a father and as an ex-teacher also take part in shaping his ideology. His status as a father of an ADHD+D son influences his beliefs that all kids can be special and it is represented by the demigods within the novel. Riordan, as an ex-teacher, concerns a lot about kids as reluctant readers and also the need of mentor characters. It can be seen in his revival of Chiron the Centaur as a mentor character in the novel.