
Evaluasi Sistem Penggajian Pt. Bahagia Sumber Abadi Kebakkramat

Oleh :
Rika Arum Kurnia - F3310102 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this research is to determine how the system and procedures payroll at PT. BAHAGIA SUMBER ABADI and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the payroll system is applied to the PT. BAHAGIA SUMBER ABADI. PT. BAHAGIA SUMBER ABADI (PT BSA) is company trade in goods (distributor) category of basic needs of everyday. The company provides benefits to employees in the form of wages and salaries. Along with the development of companies use technology is payroll software. Payroll Software is software that help count the salaries count. Addition the company used the machine timer is present in the form of finger scan. From the research conducted, then the strenght found are improvements absent form help employees correct the time delay is present, SPL’s helping the human resources department record of employees who work overtime, maker payroll functions separetes from finance functions and timekeeper functions separetes from operation functions, salary payment with bank services more efficiently and save time, the authorization checks in the check making proves that creating a check can be accounted for its accuracy, and use of the SAP program in recording transactions. While the weakness found are timekeeper functions and maker payroll functions operated by one person, and the collection of improvement absent form that does not have the collection time limits Based on the weakness found, the researcher give some recommendations so that supervision of the Auditor Intern to timekeeper functions and maker payroll functionsif it is still held by one person, and improvement absent form must be given time limit of one week so that the human resources department of corrections can process them.